A data scientist & Google certified data engineer, currently seeking opportunities in data related space. Previously worked as a software engineer, building enterprise web applications & machine learning prototypes.
Passionate about using data science and software engineering to solve complex real-world problems.

Obtained my master's in Data Science from the University of Melbourne, Australia and my Bachelor of Computer Science & Engineering degree from Visvesvaraya Technological University, India.
My masters thesis project involved analysing drink driving trends in the state of Victoria, Australia, and building robust statistical models to determine factors that have influenced change in the trend.

I enjoy competing at Kaggle & other data science competitions, testing & honing my skills; I have worked across a wide range of problems in these competitions, from predictive modeling, computer vision to natural language processing. In the past and occasionaly now, I compete in coding challenges on platforms like HackerRank & Project Euler to improve my coding skills.
I am an avid learner, learning things from first principles: taking apart the concepts one by one until there is no more but the indivisible atomic principles.

I'm a Real Madrid soccer fan; love playing ultimate frisbee; solving Rubik's cube, improving over my previous best score(current=03:41mins); and cooking!! Additionally, I enjoy engaging in deep philosophical conversations with fellow peers among many other things:)

Grew up in Mysuru, the heritage city of India and later worked in Bengaluru, India at an IT organisation before moving to Melbourne, Australia to pursue post-graduate studies.


Feel free to contact me, or to discuss potential projects/collaborate in kaggle competitions, or need any help. You can contact me via either email, or other social networks mentioned below of this page.

You can also send me a quick message using the form below:

Please do not use this form to send me full code samples.